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"WhoreDoor"     1958 Chevrolet Biscayne

Introduction / Overview: I have to say that 1958 may be one of my favorite years. I had about (3) '58's at one time. This one was a parts car originally for my Belair..That went south after a day of drinking. Cut the roof and started molding in the stuff I didnt like. With some stuff that was laying around the shop and with a lil help from the guys @ Extreme Automotive i had a car thrown together...(literally!)

Started with a stock 350 and went straight to the Summit catalogue and made a wish list. Ordered a set of those KB pistons 0.030 flat top, with a 9.5 to 1 compression. Grabbed a gear drive (gotta love the whine) Went to the machine shop and had them do all bells and whistles. Balance the rotating assembly is definitely worth the extra cash. With a solid lower end @ 355cid we had a start. I had a set of camel backs and a high rise intake. I was almost done.. When it comes to cams, Phil @ http://www.Extremeautomotive.org is the gentleman with the knowledge. I went BIG!!! Comp cams 292...Ya man, that thing thumped..Bang for your buck the th350 is your best bet for an all around driver.


Ahhhh, CHASSIS! Along with the new body design for GM, the chassis was a whole lotta different. This was the first year for the "X" frame. It was called the "X" frame for that reason alone. Due to the fact that it was a truely an "X". It also came with coil springs. A coil car is usually an easy project for air-ride. Not too mention, they offered Air Leveling from the factory in 58 for some of the upgraded models. So it was a natural for me to put air on it. 2 ViAir compressor 350's, 1/2" valves and line.

Wheels and Tires: Just to please everyone I ran both sets of tire options..I ran fat whites on certain cruises, and other times I went with the big billets. 20" Kronix!
Body & Paint:

I'll put it like this.. It never saw a long board. This car was done before I had started shooting my own stuff. This was done by a good friend. Viper Red with a flatenning agent. Then I turned him loose to flame it. And that he did..Front to rear with some old skool pin striping... 

Interioir: Stock. NOT!!!! I put the bench seat outa a '71' Coupe de Ville, 6 way electric and leather..Gotta be comfortable! Dyed it red to match the car, threw some 3" red fur on the door panels and did the back seats in that old skool red sparkly diner material...And just to top it off I embroidered the logo onto the headrest in my own signature.
Lifestyles: Old-School