60s Attitude 63 Ford Fairlane Custom
1963 Ford Fairlane 60s Custom
Author and Photographer: Mike Harrington
Less IS More
We Americans seem to have this “bigger is better” mindset. After all if a little is good then a lot is better right? We can biggie size our French fries, biggie size our body parts with pecker pills or bags of silicone. Big, big and bigger! We are obsessed with size. Don’t take me wrong, if someone wanted to put a 572 cubic inch big block in my classic ride, I surely wouldn’t object, but is bigger always better? I guess it all depends on your perspective.
(Editor’s note: Maybe less isn’t more with the lovely Cherry Doll! She’s smokin hot…)
I once heard a saying that has seared its self into my memory. “Less…is more”. This saying holds true to music, design and even meal time. It also holds very true in the case of this ’63 ½ Ford Fairlane. With all the subtlety of a serpent, Ford introduced the 260 cubic inch lightweight Windsor featuring 164 horsepower, that was the “Challenger” versions of Ford’s mighty small block. At 12 inches shorter than a Galaxy and a good 16 inches longer than a Falcon this Fairlane and its owner don’t care about size, it’s all about the aesthetics.
RJ McRae, owner of the mid-size 63 Fairlane seen here believes in the less is more philosophy. He ply’s this philosophy everyday with his customer’s rides at his garage known as the Madratter Garage, so why not with his own personal rides?
The Fairlane, when first acquired, was in a very cherry, yet stock, state of existence. Why mess with perfection some may ask? Keep the Ford stock and enjoy it as is! But, where is the fun it that? Owing to his less is more philosophy, a few subtle modifications were made to really give this little Ford a beautiful mild 1960’s California cruiser look.
With four months of hard work, the Fairlane was sporting some new skin. R.J. repainted the body in the stock “Viking Blue” colored metallic blue DuPont paint, but when it came to the roof, a silver metal flake was sprayed giving it that all important sparkle.
Bedsides the paint, the stance and wheels will make or break the look of any vehicle. This Fairlane struts its stuff with set of 14 inch Supreme’s with ½ inch whites, air springs on all fours corners and a set of chromed Bellflower pipes cinching the mild mannered ‘60s custom look.
You better make sure your backside is free of any oil stains before you climb into the cabin of this cruiser. The attention detail in the office space is no less important than that of the exterior. The mid-size Ford is draped in white tuck & roll with blue piping accents, blue carpet, a white Mooneyes wheel and genuine Hurst 3-speed shifter. The rest of the interior, the instrument panel, the door panels etc. remain in their stock configuration, sometimes leaving well enough alone is the smartest action.
Less is not more when it comes to photos so here’s a few more shots of RJ’s 63 Fairlane featuring Model Cherry Doll.

I love the first picture with the Falcon out in the desert and the city behind it at night looks great!