2nd Round – More Pictures from Viva 15 Car Show
Return to Viva – 2012 Viva Las Vegas Rockabilly Car Show
Editor’s note: Mark’s been very kind to show his behind the lens work in this story and the last story about the great Rockabilly Weekender in Las Vegas. This time, take a listen as he give his impressions of the rides, the show and most importantly, the people that make the show great. Please make him feel welcome!
Going back to Viva Las Vegas again this year, can’t wait to see the Grease Pit Car Club from last year. A great group of guys and gals from LA, CA that have let my wife and I hang out with them every year. As a bonus this year, sounds like we have more members from San Diego, CA that are going to join us.
Thursday afternoon I arrived and couldn’t wait to get to the car area. The Valet parking lot all ready has cars lined up waiting to get in.
Not a lot of cars in the car show area yet but that makes for better pictures. I like the contrast red and silver (on bad ass!)
Grease Pit member, Raquel is driving her 1957 Chevy truck down from LA.
I really like all the TIKI stuff , especially the pinstriping…
Is this your work? Leave a comment and let us know so we can give you credit
I think cars look better on the move don’t you?
What about this clean roadster?
Shifter or the brake?
Nice clean wagon for pikesan (I approve!)
Make sure your girl has matching shoes to go with your paint job.
It was just Thursday and now look its night time on Saturday already , that was quick.
Click for full size image… (above)
Got a few more shots before I had to leave on Sunday.
Another fun trip with the Grease Pit gang , I’ll see you all next year.
It really made my day to finally meet some of you in person.
See Ya

Great Pics as always Mark, now back to work. Lets see how many projects we can knock out before next year.
Grease Pit 66
Thanks Grease Pit
See Ya Next Year, maybe with a ride.