Barn Find Stromberg 97 Carbs
New Stromberg 97 Carb That’s Old Too

When you’re building a 276 inch flathead to power a 32 Ford XF roadster for the Bonneville Salt Flats… and you’re from the Rolling Bones Hot Rod Shop whose specialty is combining the old with new and making it all look period perfect, what else would you run but Stromberg carbs?
Making the new look somewhat older just got alot easier with Stromberg’s new “Barn Find” 97 Carb. It’s a completely new Stromberg 97 with all the updates and design fixes of their signature Stromberg 97, but some aging tricks like a little media blasting and some old fashioned neglect (they leave the cast iron base out in the rain for a spell before painting it) result in a “no two alike” patina that fits great and looks perfect on your hot rod’s flathead.
The “new” Barn Find Stromberg 97 is on the left with an original Stromberg 81 on the right. Need more patina? Just handle it some more. With the media blasted finish, a little finger oils and a well placed grease smudge and you’re there!
So head on over to Stromberg Carburetors website and let Clive, the bloke running it, know sent ya! Stromberg has a new blog page now, so if you’d like to learn more about the Rollin Bones Bonneville car, head on over: Barn Find Factory Patina and Rollin Bones.
Look for more how-to’s and tech info from Stromberg Carburetors in future articles at
Is the Rolling Bones Hot Rod Shop specialty combing the old with the new or combining the old with the new?
Both… they moonlight as barbers. Are you an English teacher? Thanks!
No. I just read a lot. English was my worst subject as a kid and I was then allowed to read a lot. Reading then boosted my vocabulary and my ability with grammar. I did write stories and shoot photographs for a newspaper for about ten years a while back. I can’t help it with the grammar though. It drives everybody nuts. Sorry.