Steel Machines into Art – Holly Martin at Bonneville
Bonneville Racers and Hot Rods on the Salt
Have I said it enough times that people found on the Bonneville salt are just cool? Each year I come away from Speed Week with a few more friends. That’s sort of amazing since I run around like a wild man shooting pics and trying to get feature stories… but I try, every once and a while, to kick back, have a beer and try to enjoy it all.
This year, I got to know Holly Martin, mostly through her photography. I like to study the angles, the light and the subjects of other photographers to learn from them and hopefully add something new to my own shots. I’m dig’n Holly’s work!
Click here for all of’s Bonneville Salt Flat coverage.
So I asked Holly to share some photos and she generously did. I then asked her to write about her Bonneville experience… She was shy about sharing it, but I think it came out more like poetry than a bio. Get to know Holly a little here: (and let her know what you think of her shots!)
All pictures and what follows by Holly Martin
I consider myself an “Artist with a camera” more than a photographer. Since I was a girl I have found motorcycles and cars to be works of art all by themselves. Speed Week 2012 was my third trip to “The Salt”.
To me, Bonneville is a place where art and invention morph into individual masterpieces. It is where hundreds of people gather with incredible ideas. Each idea becomes a machine, which has the sole intent of being driven as fast as possible.
Every year I am mesmerized by the huge gathering of custom cars, hot rods, streamliners, motorcycles and the people who build them. The parade of metal and machine going to and from the pits to the starting lines is constantly changing. To me, it is a huge mobile art exhibit!
Where else can you find a 1950’s Buick that has been sculpted into a steel machine with an Art Deco influence? Or to capture images of a father and son’s 1929 Ford roadster while it waits to run another day? Bonneville has provided me the opportunity to sit in the cockpit of a legendary streamliner and document one man’s pursuit of a world speed record as well as honor his racing heritage.
The most meaningful images I took, capture the happiness of “Bonneville Butch Reynolds” as he proudly shows me his photo album and his Dry Lakes Racers Hall of Fame ring. Then, there are my images of Monty Warnock, telling stories at sundown, as he stands behind the “Burford Blvd” sign he made and installed on track two. (Click to zoom photos)
Speed Week is the greatest collection of artists, gear heads and inventors ever assembled. It is where so many brilliant imaginations and characters come together in the pursuit of speed.
To view more of Holly Martin’s work please visit
To purchase print of Holly Martin’s work please go to the following links. A portion of the proceeds from your purchase will be donated to “Save the Salt”.

Woman with a creative mind
Artist with a camera
Friend with good heart
Person with passion for life
Thanks for sharing Holly Martin.
Jeff Brock