Classic Car Insurance 101
Facts You Need Choosing Classic Car Insurance
There’s no doubt, if you own a classic car – your baby that’s been in your family’s garage for your whole life… Or, you own a stable of classics: hot rods, muscle cars and few exotics mixed in for fun.
You need to insure those cars, and classic car insurance is the way to go. To figure out what you need to start, or what you might want to think about when switching, here’s a few helpful articles to steer you along the way.

5 Things to Know about Classic Car Insurance
Why change insurance? Here’s two reasons: Better coverage for less money! (and that’s with the same deductible)It’s easy to pay your premium every year without ever asking, is this the best I can get? Check it out this year and let these Tips for Classic Car Insurance get you started.
Agreed Value Insurance Explained
This is what you’re looking for, so find out what it is, how it’s established and how can make it easier. Some of the simple answers might surprise you.
Also, does your classic car need a professional appraisal?
Don’t Underinsure Your Classic Car
Agreed value insurance is great – It’s low cost and has only a few restrictions with the right insurance company. Don’t risk those benefits trying to save a few bucks on your premium.
Read’m here: The risks of underinsuring your hot rod or classic car.
3 Lessons Before Insuring Your Classic Car
For way too long, Grease Girl insured her daily driver and her classic with regular, “Stated Value” insurance. Then, she found another, newer car to use and switch to Agreed Value insurance. Find out what she learned.
Saved $793 Per Year with Classic Car Insurance
What’s the difference between a Standard Auto Policy, Stated Value Car Insurance and Classic/Collector Car Insurance? Find out here, like Grease Girl did and save some money at the same time! She saved $793 by insuring two cars instead of one!
Top 8 Additional Classic Car Insurance Benefits
Everyone’s looking to save money. Us too! So when comparing classic car insurance companies, make sure they’ve got these extra perks available, just in case you need them!
Condon Skelly is the official classic car insurance company of