Most Amazing Custom Ford Econoline Van – 2011 GNRS
Debuting at the 2011 Grand National Roadster Show
Going to the 2011 Grand National Roadster Show? Besides the amazing roadsters, including the ones after the “America’s Most Beautiful Roadster” award, there are other custom cars at GNRS that should never be missed. This Ford Econoline van is one.
The purpose of this post is NOT to show or tell about the van, only to let you know to see it in person yourself at the show. I’ll follow up with a detailed story and pictures…
What you’re seeing is “Van Go” the creation of artist and publisher Coby from Church Magazine. What started as a 1963 Ford Econoline van is now a one-off masterpiece of creativity and custom work. This van oozes cool from every polished and painted pore and I know it reflects a ton of work from Coby and from KA Custom, Tim Conder and Pablo Perez, who Coby says, “Are the 3 who truly made it happen…”
Here’s where this Econoline started:
To say it doesn’t impress says it correctly… that is, unless you’re Velma or Daphne.
With the stance drastically improved, the van already looked custom and sat lower than any original straight axle van would. I know cause my buddy Erock’s Econoline pickup is low, but not like this!
From there, the details make this van unreal.
Here’s a shot up front… crush-a-cigarette-box-low is damn low! Perfect paint, perfect chrome work…
Finally, the interior’s filled with custom wood. The seats, the door handles, almost everything is done up in beautifully finished wood.
I’m dying to say more but won’t, not until I see it with my own eyes at 2011 Grand National Roadster Show.
Until then, get in line to grab one of the “Van Go” T-shirts from Church. I don’t see them for sale yet, but they will be! Here’s a peak…
See everything from Church at their website: Cars not culture: Church and you can become a fan on Facebook here:
Look for more pics and details as soon as possible after the show.
(All pictures used with permission from Coby)

Wow! That is so cool! Can’t wait to see more from the show and this Van-go.
Nice work Coby! Amazing ride!