Hot Rod and Custom Comfort – NorCal’s Fall Fiasco
Fall Fiasco: The Best Small Car Show of the Year
This time every year the Swanx car club holds their Fall Fiasco car show. It signifies another successful Northern California car show season is nearing the end. Usually you would think it would be a big shindig with all the trimmings. Maybe a show so loaded with clubs that it would be SRO. Perhaps a plethora of vendors flooding the parking lots or even a band list that would resemble a 1978 Day on the Green. Not so…
Rather than going out in bright lights and flash. Like every year, the Swanx Fall Fiasco, number 12 of it’s long reign. went out in comforting style. Held at Allen-Simmons in Cordelia, CA, a quaint little area tucked back in the city’s southwest side right next to Interstate 80’s big billboards and other freeway propaganda perfect for pictures. I wanted to get to the show early this morning and drop off swag and some cool pics I had matted for the raffle.
Upon arrival I met up with Swanx car club guru Gunar Hansken to drop off the raffle goodies. Like every time I run into Gunar, “Hey buddy, you need anything? Do you want some coffee? How are ya doing?” The guy is about the nicest son of gun you will ever meet. That goes for just about everyone of the Swanx car club. I hadn’t taken more than 10 pics and I noticed long time Swanx Rick (Holcomb) across the way. Before I could say top of the morning to you, Rick was already shaking my hand and passing out family style hugs. That’s what it’s like at a Swanx function. It is like a family gig. They make you feel like you are at a family reunion and that is what this show was all about. Just a bunch of tight knit friends with some very cool rides.
To really get a feel for how personal this show was. There was a handful of clubs all within a 20 mile radius off the show. Everyone knew everyone. Like that killer 4th of July block party you have every year. I have to say, I just dig that. The comfort level was beyond a 10 and such a great way to wind down from a monstrous season of insane California car shows.
As I strolled around admiring the custom rides it was nice to finally have time to sit down and rap with people that at past shows I only had a brief couple of minutes to say hey. Finally, I was able to hang out with Korena Goldstien and Henrik Forss (the creators of NorCal Knockout car show) and talk ideas for next years show. Lets just say one of the slogans for next years super show is going to be “Relax… Grow a Stash” and I will just leave it at that. I shot a couple of pics of the two and moved on.
I also stopped by to shoot the breeze with pinstriping magician Kyle Martin (of Johnny and Kyle’s House of Style) while he was putting the finishing touches on the Villainz CC choice award. Since I was in the vicinity, I hung out for a bit to talk with the guys from the Villainz car club. Midway through my corndog conversation with Villainz John Lemoine (only if you where there) my phone rang it was my shoot for the day.
The lovely Alena Ceja, she wanted to let me know she was here. So I grabbed Villainz CC Scotty Coppach’s flamed 51′ for the shoot. In true Scotty form he wanted to help with the shoot. Holding the flash, arranging the car, directing position of the model, making sure her hair was right. I will tell you this, that had to be the funniest shoot of the year. How apropos is that for such cozy show. Again, that’s what I’m talking about!
Plus how could I leave this out? If you where hungry, how’s this grab you…”all you can eat” Taco Bar! Which I did when I went inside to snap a few shots of Anji Ramsey’s grandfather’s 1927 Roadster he drove for the Swanx in the 50s. Yeah, the Swanx in the fifties I said. now that’s history!
By 11:30 I had shot all the rides, had a excellent photo shoot with Alena and felt my day was complete. But wait there’s more. The raffle and the awards. Now unfortunately, I had to leave around 12:30, but speaking with Gunar he said the the raffle was a hit. I also missed the awards but I do know fellow photo-nerd and Villainz CC member John Lemoine won best custom with his burnt orange 52′ Chevy.
(Click on any pic to see full size)
As far as the other awards, Best of Show went to a beautiful brandywine 1956 Merc hardtop, Best Hot Rod went to a flat black 32′ roadster which was my personal fave as well. Villianz CC pick went to dark green 1949 Chevy, Satan’s Angels pick went to a very cool baby blue 1954 shoebox. The awards winners deserved it cause they where nice rides as you will see in the pictures.
After a day of great cars, friends and family I knew my day was dialed. Like having a fat plate of comfort food and hitting the couch, this is what Fall Fiasco is all about. After a successful and prolific 2011 car show season here in Northern California I could not think of a better way to close it out. Granted I don’t want to sell any of the other shows of the year short… don’t get me wrong, there are some shows here and there till rain enters the picture, but in past years, Fall Fiasco signifies the season is coming to a end.
In true Swanx fashion they did again. They flew under the super show radar and had a awesome family style get together. For more info on future Fall Fiasco’s or any Swanx CC events go to their Swanx Facebook page.
In closing I would like to say that the Olive Garden does not have a lick on the Swanx Car Club and Fall Fiasco cause “When you’re here, You’re family!” Till next time, if I don’t see you at the show, I’ll see you on the streets! – N/K