Road Zombies BBQ and Car Show
Words and Pics by Nick Koljian
On Friday, June 18th, this was posted on the Facebook page of Road Zombie Johnny Koonce:
“Went and bought 430 Hamburger patties and buns, 250 Hotdogs and buns and a shit load of other stuff for tomorrow! You guys better show up, or we’re gonna have to eat it all our selves!!!!!!”
Well Johnny, as they say, “Be careful for what you wish for!”
15th Annual Road Zombies CC BBQ and Car Show
Saturday, June 19th at Santa Clara’s Elk Lodge was the 15th Annual Road Zombies CC BBQ and Car Show. Let’s just say there was no shortage of rod junkies. I showed up right at 12:00 so I could get in and get some shots off before the crowd got too heavy.
As I made my way in, cars were still pulling in to jockey for position on the lawn. It was a beautiful day in the neighborhood and a perfect day for a BBQ and car show. Not only were there grub and wheels, but the Road Zombies also supplied the day with some groovin tunes by booking Fresno’s own Jail Break and Sweden’s The Go-Getters. Both bands just rocked all day long.
After weaving through crowd and admiring the finest steal the South Bay has to offer, I moseyed toward the BBQ. I don’t think they had any trouble with leftovers! The line of hungry rod enthusiasts stretched from the fire pit clear passed the Crown Sunglass booth which was being maned, or should I say ma’amed, by none other than Miss Rockwell De-Vil. The line ended right past the Charlottes Web booth.
When the Road Zombies throw a gig it pulls in just about every club in the Bay Area and beyond, with or without rides. There was a pretty good list representing Saturday. Straight from Koolsville, Alex Gambino rolled in with the Beatniks CC as well as the Swanx CC, Strangers CC, Satans Chauffeurs, to name a few. Also spotted at the show were the founders of this years NorCal Knock Out; Hollywood Hank and Korena Goldstein. This not-to-be-missed show is July 3rd, and will be getting full coverage from yours truly.
By the time 4:00pm hit I was beat. The show carried on till 6:00pm, and I’m sure there was an after party as well. This show had everything; Great food, great music, and of course great rides. All around – fantastic day.
Even though I didn’t get a dog at least I know Johnny won’t have to stock his freezer when he gets home. Well done Zombies. -N/K

LOve your pics! Come by Rolla Missouri and see us at REV DIY Auto!