Pontiac Freak
Pontiac Freak
Location: Mesa, AZ, USA
Joined: 06/15/2007
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My Crew 1
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September 15, 2008
Ride Specs & Info


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November 25, 2010 05:23
Got the after pics?
November 25, 2010 05:20
Looking for nothing, I can't afford to right now...someday. Meantime, you and all the other projects here keep me interested!
Pontiac Freak
June 24, 2010 19:07
I dont really sell many parts from these cars. Nobody wants them. I have tried to sell locally but end up scrapping most of them when I strip the car. El Camino and Cad have no common parts. What are you looking for?
June 24, 2010 09:53
I bet you Ebay, scrap for cash and trade a lot of good parts. That would have been a perfect candidate for an El Camino project!