Location: | Mesa, AZ, USA |
Joined: | 10/03/2007 |
My Styles
Tuner, Euro, Low Rider, Build-It, Drive-It, Builder
views: 52553
(3592 Views)October 3, 2007
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August 26, 2009 10:36
WOW! can't believe you sold your bug...I do like the Edsel though
April 28, 2009 11:58
I dig your bug man! Makes me want my '72 back, ha ha
March 25, 2008 13:43
Added a little gallery today about refurbishing a VDO gauge out of a porsche... turned out pretty good i think. Soon to be installed alongside the matching tach and oil pressure gauges in my bug.
November 13, 2007 08:11
Got another set of Federals from Justin... gonna put em on tomorrow! maybe Empi 8's too... we'll see
November 7, 2007 20:42
Hey Mikie
How are those 125s working out? post pic with the 125s on front and post pic of beam in the rocks!!
How are those 125s working out? post pic with the 125s on front and post pic of beam in the rocks!!
October 30, 2007 09:11
The new pics are from this weekend when i drove her to California to hang with my dad. It was awesome. The day before i left i het a railroad track out in tempe with the front beam, and i'm pretty sure something broke cause it sounded like something fell off and it rides about 1/2 inch lower now. I couldnt see anything missing when i checked, so i guess its ok... looks cooler now anyway haha!
October 30, 2007 09:07
Well in my first pics, the one fender was black and i hated it. I baught paint and i've finally tried my hand at automotive painting. I think i need a lot of practice, but what better than my own eff'd up car to practice on? I'm glad i tried it out, and now i have to re-do it and then the rest of the yellow parts to match the newer shade of the paint. next in line is the hood and other fenders, then the body. Still looks better than before, and thats what matters. Also put on my billet running boards i got from my buddy ed. they're bitchin.