Location: Everett, WA, USA
Joined: 06/30/2009
My Styles
Rat Rod, H.A.M.B., Build-It, Drive-It, Street Rodder, Hot Rodder, Builder
views: 23580
My Crew 3
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June 30, 2009
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May 16, 2011 22:33
play mouth custom rat cage is really looking good..

August 2, 2009 05:22
Did you make it to you tube? It ran great to start with, then went down hill from there. It wouild after startup and tun it in again, then I go back in the afternoon and it ran like crap. I pulled the carbs, and intake to regasket and ordered a MSD hei with vacumn advance and hotter wires. Hopefully I will get it back on the road next week.
July 20, 2009 12:06
Great lookin work and clean. I have a tendency to be a little OCD, myself. Thanks for the compliment, but Santos and the late John Buterra and an unknown fender artist should get the credit. After 18mo and a few hitches, I have test driven the the rod the last few days in the mornings. Carpet and a few minor leaks and tuning, and I will be ready to take a road trip. That is, after is gets below 117 degrees down here. Search azcowbo on you tube videos to hear its first startup in 22yrs. Awesome motor.
July 11, 2009 00:06
Your new avatar's kinda spooky! I dig it!
July 8, 2009 00:08
Looks like a sweet shop! I love seeing a project all cleaned up and in primer like that. I need to get back to work on my Falcon! Thanks for joining!
June 30, 2009 02:39
You cleaned that up sweet..nice job!