2012 Grand National Roadster Show – First Favorites
Hot Rods and Custom Cars at 2012 GNRS in Pomona, CA
If you’re looking for the “America’s Most Beautiful Roadster” Pictures Click here.
Just in case you can’t make it to the Grand National Roadster Show this weekend, MyRideisMe.com is bringing the show to you! Of course, if you’re anywhere near Pomona, California we’d suggest you make it out in person. GNRS is running from January 27th-29th at the Pomona Fairplex. Besides showcasing a dozen of the highest-quality show roadsters you’ve ever seen, competing for the AMBR Award, Grand National’s also has many other exhibit halls with some of the best looking customs, classics, lowriders, and more!
To start things off, is James Hetfield’s 1937 Lincoln Zephyr. If this auburn beauty looks familiar, its because it’s the cover feature of the fresh-off-the-press Rod & Custom. With more custom features than we can name, it’s conception was at the Grand National Roadster Show – so it’s only fitting that it be on display here for you to drool all over.
It didn’t take us long to get to one of our favorite halls, the Suede Palace where this golden El Camino was giving us a toothy grin. The Suede Palace is traditionally for cars that might not have a “show quality” finish – but in our experience, the same craftsmanship and attention to detail is given to these rockabilly rides.
Whether individual entries, car club entries, or on display in a builder’s booth, the array of cars is a pleasure for the eyes. Here are a couple of our favorites – a 1940 Ford Sedan (Rowr!) and ’61 Olds Custom – coming from Eightball Rods and Choppers.
If you visit MyRideisMe.com at all, you know how much we love Bonneville. So we were glad to see a section dedicated to Bonneville – including this 1949 Ford Pickup from Richard Munz as well as recording-breaking George Poteet’s Speed Demon and other streamliners. If you’ve never made it out to the salt flats to see these run, this will have to do!
Just so ya know, Grand Nationals isn’t only for “hot rod” guys – there’s something here for everyone. This fastback Mustang incorporates some cutting-edge technology for a fresh take on a well-loved classic.
Another classic incorporating insane amounts of new technology is this 1959 Corvette “ZR59.” In case you missed this one’s debut at SEMA, you can see it here in all it’s handcrafted glory. Beginning life as a ’59 Corvette, this concept continues the classic C1 Roadster look. But with a LS9 engine under the hood and a listful of goodies such as Art Morrison chassis, it’s gotta be even funner to drive then the original!
This Ford Ranchero’s custom panel-style paint job (in suede!) is a fantastic way to show off some old-fashioned creativity.
If you want to see some of the wildest lowriders, they’re at the Grand National Roadster Show too. This Galaxie of the Turks Car Club in San Diego is a more mild example than some being shown, but very well done. Tim, the owner corrected us on the car club and the theme for the car… it’s more of a 60s mild custom, but Tim knows we meant nothing but respect grouping it with the incredible lowriders at GNRS.
Your head will be spinning from all the well-built cars represented. We think this mild custom was done spot-on – with it’s subdued scallops, chopped top, and wire wheels.
Allright already – get off your computer and get to Pomona! Or…stick around at MyRideisMe and we’ll give ya a front seat to all the 2012 Grand National Roadster Show has to offer!
What do ya dig so far? Leave us a comment and we’ll do our best to get you some more pictures of it!

Thanks for taking a great photo of my Galaxie. I thank you for classing it with all those great low riders, but its more along the lines of a mid sixties mild custom. Also a club correction- We are the Turks from San Diego.
Thanks Tim, I’ll update the story now. Lowrider or mild custom, it’s sweet.