Daisie Fairlane, Hot Rod Pin Up and Bigfoot Believer
Hot Rod Pinup Daisie Fairlane
Hot blonde, Check. Hot blonde who like cars, check. Hot blonde who likes to drive and work on cars? CHECK.. This Barris Spokesmodel (as in George Barris) embodies that perfect hot rod pinup persona. Smokin’ hourglass figure with platinum blonde hair and a no holds barred attitude when it comes to her rides. She knows what she likes… classics… and she’s not afraid to tell you she’s, let’s say, not a fan of the whole import and “Fast and Furious” scene. She likes to feel steel under the hood and vinyl under her, well, bum.
The only thing that might stand between Daisie and her dream car would be Bigfoot himself.
Photo shoot Scenario: What do you do with these only props- a car, a paintbrush, some paint…
In this scene I picture Route 66. An abandoned gas station in the middle of nowhere. The car is broke down with the hood up. Instead of fixing the car I’m painting the gas station, in the reflection of the car you see me holding the brush and the gas station is back to its heyday…
If you could pick one badass car from a movie that you’ve seen, to have for keeps, which one would it be and why?
That’s a hard one since there are so many great cars to choose from but, I’m going to have to go with Ronnie Howard’s ’58 Impala from the movie American Graffiti. I love the color, the stance and the clean lines. It looks and sounds tough with a bit of class. Not to mention “I just love the feel of tuck-n-roll upholstery.”
What is the weirdest, oddest, thing about you, either past or present?
Growing up in the mountains of NorCal I’m a firm believer of Sasquatch (A.K.A. Bigfoot), and I’m a germaphobe. I carry around hand sanitizer. I hate to touch door knobs and shopping carts. I’m also into roller disco.
If you could give yourself the perfect Pin Up name without being worried about what other people think, what name would you pick that would best describe you?
I think I have the perfect name, I can’t see myself with any other name. My friends started calling me Daisie in Jr. High I was always wearing “Daisy Dukes”and watching reruns of the Dukes Of Hazzard. The name’s stuck ever since…
What has been your biggest nerd moment of your life so far?
In the middle of a photo shoot I was sitting on the hood of a car that just got waxed, right when the photographer went to shoot the photo, I slid off the car. Luckily I caught myself before I ate the pavement. It was a fun experience for both me and the photographer :)
When not on your best Pin Up etiquette, what activity can you just get DOWN AND DIRTY with?
I like to rebuild engines, I enjoy looking for parts and changing things up a bit. On the weekends I enjoy Go-Go dancing at clubs to my favorite local band The Lonesome Ones, dancing up a storm… When I’m home I get down and dirty with kick boxing. It keeps me in shape and I have a bit of self defense behind me.
If you’d like to see more of Daisie Fairlane, or contact her for a photo shoot, you can check her out on:
Model Mayhem –Facebook–Pinup Lifestyle

That my girl!,….this is my best friend, her and I have posed together, I love all her photos!….we would meet each other at carshows, and my husband would take photos of Daisie and I. I am so glad to see her getting more exposure with her
pin up poseing. She is sooo taleted,…and VERY photogenic. I hope she does well, she deserves it. She is the sweetesed person you would ever want to meet.
she is a one-of -a kind, and I am so glad to have her as my best friend.
Smokin’ hot… Google her, there’s a lotta’ sweet photos out there…
Those are some of the best pictures I have seen of You Daisie !!! I really miss My friend , and cant wait to get back to So Cal and take some new pics of My friend.
Now that Girl is a Hot Tamale!!! ;)
I like the fact she aint all tatted down with 2 tone hair.Tired of that.saw her at a car show shes cool the real deal man.knows her cars thats for sure.
Exciting pics on an exciting, lovely and a very special person. You’ve got our support in all you do. Love you.
Victor , She is really cool and down to earth. I have spent many summer days hanging out with Her .
Wow very nice, I live in Co have a very nasty HotRod pickup would love to have a shoot done with her, send info please