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Belonged to my best friend, it was our high school cruiser. Bought it from him about 2 years ago to use as a weekend cruiser...

1973 iron head sporty... stripped it to the frame... sold it to a pal in the U.K....

Buick Electra Limited Coupe.  First year of the Limited series.  This shell was picked up in a junkyard before they...

At VSPSmotorsports we have a team of professionals that can engineer and build almost anything. Some of our builders consist...

This is my Volkswagen Beetle, it used to run till the fuel pump broke and caught fire causing most the of the plastics to...

My 1974 Vauxhall Magnum 4 door saloon. Had this car too long now to not be on the road yet (9 years and counting!). It will hit...

One of the last Challengers ever built, this one was built in February 1974.  This is the first car I ever owned,...
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